UN1982: I have 4 pillows, so will try burying myself in them.
ayu_19980408: I thought that was me for a second. Oh, can I upload a photo of the double play? Will you get angry? (laugh)

rice20000: Hamasaki Ayumi’s mini-album 『FIVE』 has charted No.1 for the 2nd week! http://t.co/CRBUq9x
ayu_19980408: Thank you so much!!!!!! m(_ _)m

LatestNicoNews: [BARKS] New brand 「LANDS OF Eden.」 advertisement will feature JUNO, with photography by Leslie Kee (image available) | 13 September 2011 05:20 http://t.co/uiTRGwQ #nicovideo
mapimapimappy: RT
ayu_19980408: RT

JUNO_Japan: So cool! The Eve I’m holding in my arms is a famous artist whom everyone knows
mapimapimappy: LANDS OF Eden. visual is revealed! Taken by world famous photographer Leslie Kee!
ayu_19980408: RT

ayu_19980408: Wow!!!!!!!

nait0mea: I couldn’t wait any longer tonight, but we shall see tomorrow! Hopefully that is…=]
ayu_19980408: I’ll go there very soon!!!!!

ayu_19980408: My US fans were still waiting at outside of hotel…at this time…I was gonna cry…….:))) We had a beautiful time♡

katosenseidesu: ayu-chan is beautiful on Bea’s Up
ayu_19980408: The results of Katou-sensei’s pressure training are plain to see (*^^*)

demiurgical: thank you so much for meeting us Ayu!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
ayu_19980408: Xoxo♡
