K1_Hiroya: GOOD morning everyone!! It’s a school holiday today. Gym for me.
ayu_19980408: Morning– (^O^)/

AAAyu_suba: A-chan ♡ Who are you buying the matching gift for? (*^^*)♡
ayu_19980408: I made the necklace into an earring!!

mikajohn: 5 months. That day, it snowed heavily. The people who were freezing in the sub-zero temperatures then are now rebuilding their lives under the blazing sun.
ayu_19980408: RT

tokyohive: Hamasaki Ayumi joins Sina Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter! http://t.co/Hfkp3zh?type=js #ayu #weibo
sayuikimiwa: RT
ayu_19980408: RT

ryandtw_jpop: And already @ayu_19980408 has over 300,000 followers on Weibo…
ayu_19980408: (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)♪

natan3010: Necklace? Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
ayu_19980408: Kyanzu picked it for me!! (laugh) The necklace!!

ayu_19980408: I thought it was a locust, but it was a cockroach! I screamed soooooooooooo loudly!!!

yumeyuka5589: Are you having an off-day?
ayu_19980408: Nope, today’s the delivery day, so everyone in ayu-team is super alert ヽ(;▽;)ノ

UN1982: Urata Naoya x Kitty-chan. Ain’t it awesome?
ayu_19980408: Metamorphosis…
UN1982: Good evening. This is Tamori.
kazumahamamoto: Eh? You cut your hair? (laugh)
UN1982: Join in.
ayu_19980408: So~, will you come tomorrow?

m_19980408: Is delivery done? (人´∀`).☆.
ayu_19980408: Not yet ヽ(;▽;)ノ Waiting now.

ayu_19980408: 4 more clips!! (`_´)ゞ
MotokiMinei: Looking forward to it!
ayu_19980408: Motoki, lots of hunks on screen~ ♪(´ε` )

rice20000: Red Bull 250ml
ayu_19980408: Enough?
rice20000: Plus S-Cup
ayu_19980408: That’s right.

Mizumo_u: Falling asleep~
ayu_19980408: Me too~! (laugh) Let’s all hold on till the end, Mizumo~ (*^^*)

yoshida_man: Need to rush!!!!
ayu_19980408: Until it gets light~! FI—–!!!

ayu_19980408: Let’s go ayu team!!!!! Your eyes are not really feeling heavy!!! Right?

TYONCYAN: You coming to Nagoya~ by Numacchi’s car? Careful not to get rabbit eyes!!
ayu_19980408: With the car moving, I really can’t read the time~

ayuchuki: ayu-chan will be doing Nago-nation the next 2 days!!! I want to see toned-up ayu-chan!!!
ayu_19980408: OK, I’ll land in Nagoya gallantly, cutting through the wind ☆

1002_xxxLOVEayu: Are you gonna come at the last minute again tomorrow with a DOOON!!?! (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Erm, I confirm that “I can’t make it at the last minute!!” (laugh)

lesliekeesuper: You’ll definitely cry! Tears of happiness from your sparkling eyes. In those tears are all your true love and hope. Team ayu + Team Leslie + everybody!!
ayu_19980408: I’m holding back my tearsssss!! A really wonderful masterpiece is created because of everyone… (>_<)

AAAyu_suba: Eh? Eh? You missed Numacchi’s car? (*´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥﹏°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ )
ayu_19980408: Numacchi’s car has a make-up lounge inside too, so I can go anywhere. Thanks ♡

m_19980408: It was here at Fukuoka too, right? Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
ayu_19980408: Yep, it came for me after an 18 hour journey (T ^ T)

lesliekeesuper: Twitter Party now! @ayu_19980408 @MotokiMinei @K1_Hiroya @nootak @alex_ramon @timwellard @masaya_eguchi3 @tatsukolacey @Ta9Revolution21 @oi_chan_
ayu_19980408: RT
