[Original Entry]


9 July 2013. 13:50

Everyone! As the hot days continue, take care not to suffer from heatstroke. Summer’s just starting~♪
So, here are some photos from Day 2 at Sendai!!

Firstly, to all the people who took part in Day 2!!
You really went all out and sang, danced and screamed-!! Thank you! We all got so high, didn’t we? ♪

Let this become our very first memories of 2013 summer (*^^*)

Day 2 at Sendai falls on 7 July, Tanabata day!!!

As per tradition! The staff prepared something wonderful for us~ ☆

Yahoo! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Let’s hurry and find out… what everyone has written for their wishes!! (laugh)

(I wish for today to be a good day. Zin)

↑ Dancer ZIN-san ☆ A wish fit for a god. (laugh) LOVE & PEACE♪(*^^*)
*Misa’s note: The kanji for “ZIN” is the same kanji for “god” or “deity”.

(I wish to become a real-life Sailor Venus… LICO)

↑ Dancer LICO-nyan ☆ Y-y-you can do it!! LICO Sailor Venusssss (^▽-)ー☆

(I wish I can finally grow to be 175cm tall. Kazuma)

↑ Dancer KAZUMA-san ☆ So serious… Kyanzu-sama.

(I wish to always be happy. kayano)

↑ Dancer KAYANO-san ☆ A wish that’s so like Kayano-san~☆

(I wish to live with lots of energy!! SUKE3)

↑ Performer SUKE3-san ☆ SUKE-san’s words are so energetic too!!

(I wish to become smarter. Kuni)

↑ Performer KUNI-san ☆ This one is really serious too. (laugh)

(I wish to not get injured!! Syu)

↑ Performer SYU-san ☆ That’s right!!!

(I wish for the remainder of the tour to be the best time spent with everyone. Katsuyuki)

↑ Performer KATSUYUKI-san ☆ No mistake! (^^)v

(I wish for everyone to have days full of smiles. Yossy)

↑ Flyer YOSSY-san ☆ Smi—–le (*^^*)

I wish for everyone’s wishes to come true!.. ☆

Everyone reading this blog, what are your wishes?

And so, Hiroshima is next-!! Yeah ♪

Thank you for the 2days at Sendai!!

A-CHORUS ★ miccie
