AIKO_esNAIL: People often say that I look like I have fun everyday of my life. Yes, that’s right, I do have fun.
ayu_19980408: I love Ai-chan’s philosophy ♡

Ander_Azpiazu: congrats for getting Tales of Xillia 2 Theme Song again ayu!!
ayu_19980408: Thx;)))

kota_19940517: ayu-chan will be singing the “Tales” theme song again! Looking forward to it lots ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
ayu_19980408: Yes, I’ll be singing for Part 2 as well (^-^)/ Thankful~☆

ayu_love_aya: ayu-chan ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I bought the eyelash beauty lotion too~ Giggle ♪(´ε` )
ayu_19980408: I bought one whole box of that. Love it. (laugh)

mai19980914: Where can I buy it~? That eyelash beauty lotion? ☆(^_^)/
ayu_19980408: Just search for “dress lash” on the Internet~. I bought mine from there too~♪

ayu_19980408: It’s this one ♡ I put it on my lashes before I sleep and before putting on make-up ♡ →

ayu_19980408: It’s a great morning~ (*^^*)♪

ayu_19980408: Those bell peppers…
