ayu_19980408: Crying, laughing, making merry like children, having no choice but to reject everything, suddenly falling asleep when trying to be serious, all these times, spent with my precious one, are happiness ♡

ayu_19980408: For example, like this ♡

ayu_19980408: Girls nite for the Birthday girl ☆

timwellard: Loco Moco calls, the diet has to wait till tomorrow
ayu_19980408: When will tomorrow come?

Ta9Revolution21: Oh no, seems like I’ve taken on a huge job! Which AYU song should I play on this wonderful night!!!!???? (lol)
ayu_19980408: Must you attach the lol at the back? (laugh)

MotokiMinei: @Ta9Revolution21 When I listen to BRILLANTE, I recall all sorts of memories I shared with “the fish“, such as our first meeting and our filming sessions, and I feel better!
ayu_19980408: Don’t call me the fish! (laugh)

ayu_19980408: What should I eat for lunch under the beautiful sky…..;)

ayu_19980408: Like this…….;)))

ayu_19980408: Had a beautiful nite☆
