Original message from here.


15 April 2012. 14:39


Today is Day 2
at Hotel Love songs’ Osaka branch! (^○^)

Yes yes.
Yesterday, dancer ZIN-san
did a blog entry for us~☆
Today, we’ve decided to ask that person to blog!
So everyone, look forward to that!

Oh! Some time ago,
Kyodo Osaka’s Hashimoto-san,
who has always been a great help to us,
delivered some of troupe leader’s favourite sweets to her ♪

So happy! ← It’s for troupe leader, but we’ll love to have some too. (laugh)
Thank you! The troupe will enjoy some next time!

And then, this is from bodyguard Hiroshi-san ☆

This was also gobbled up by everyone, even the box is gone. (cries)

Thank you ☆
A-STAFF Micchii
