ayu_19980408: It’s been a somewhat sleepless night, and now it’s starting to get light… There’s important work to be done today. I need to sleep and get my head right!!

47news: Speednews: According to the Ministry of Defense, the Terrestrial Civil Defense Force’s fire engines are just starting to dowse Reactor No.4 of Nuclear Plant No.1 at Fukushima. This is the first time they are dowsing Reactor No.4. http://bit.ly/17n4iz
ayu_19980408: RT

ayunews: 【Disaster Information】 The information being released here is also being released at the same time on Facebook. For those who use mainly Facebook, please ask those who have many affected friends to utilize here too. http://on.fb.me/eUNO7l
ayu_19980408: RT

hayano: The Civil Defense has started dowsing Reactor No.4. #NHK http://bit.ly/fUtsej Adding water. Reconnecting power. There is an increase in hopeful news. Thanks to all who are there to help.
ayu_19980408: RT

hayano: The power line construction at Reactor No.2 is complete. Reactor No.5’s pool has started undergoing cooling. (Asahi) http://bit.ly/go37iT The worrying Reactor No.5’s spent fuel pool’s temperature seems to be slowly going down from 68.8degC. Good good.
ayu_19980408: RT

ayunews: 【Disaster Information: Speednews】 According to Tokyo Electric Power, the spent fuel pool temperatures for Reactors No.5 and 6 of Nuclear Plant No.1 at Fukushima have returned to normal. http://bit.ly/17n4iz
ayu_19980408: RT

47news: Speednews: According to Ibaraki Prefecture, iodine and cesium have been detected in waterways in Kitaibarakishi and Takahagishi. However, it is safe to drink. http://bit.ly/17n4iz
ayu_19980408: RT

ayunews: 【Disaster Information: Volunteer Recruitment】 Ibaraki Prefecture: Joso City, Hokota City, Kasama City, Omitama City, Itako City, Tokai Village, Naka City, Ishioka City, Hatachi Omiya City, Hitachi City, Namegata City, Ushiku City, Kashima City, Ooarai Town, Hitachi Ota City. Recruitment will be limited to residents from these areas. Details in this URL http://bit.ly/dK1QpQ
ayu_19980408: RT

ayunews: 【Disaster Information: Ibaraki Prefecture】 According to the Prefectural Disasters Countermeasures Headquarters, the radiation level readings taken by temporary monitoring stations at 14:00 on 20th. In Microsievert/hour, Kitaibaraki 0.768, Takahagi 0.227. Both levels are deemed safe for health.
ayu_19980408: RT

hanimoco: Since last week, there’s been so many deliveries around me! Today, one more healthy baby was born ☆ His coming brings smiles and happiness to everyone.
ayu_19980408: RT

loveAngelAriel: Today’s happy face, today’s sad face. Yesterday’s weak self, tomorrow’s strong self. If it’s u,Who do u show? If it’s me Who should I show?
ayu_19980408: RT

kome0326: To everyone at the Tokyo Fire Department and Fire Emergency Relief Team, thank you so much. I was touched once again when I saw the press conference. http://t.co/a35vT62 http://t.co/zrJUbr3
ayu_19980408: RT

ayu_19980408: There are lots of rumours flying around now, but that particular one about me holding lives in evacuation centres is fake. So to all fans, please do not panic. avex will resume operations 2 days from now, there will surely be official announcements then. Let’s all wait patiently, ok? ☆

GACKT: @maiyokohama Just doing what you can is enough. Nobody is all-helpful, nobody is totally useless. You may not be helpful even if you do something. What is important is how you do those things.
ayu_19980408: Gaku-chan’s strength to believe in himself is truly amazing. It really made me tear up.
