shimabob18ayu: @jun55126 Jun-saaaan (^з^)-☆Chu!! What do you like about ayu-chan?? ( ̄∇ ̄)
jun55126: A charismatic girl that I’d like to be with whenever I can. She’s interesting, and her wit, wonder where she gets it from? (laugh)
ayu_19980408: From you? (lol)

ayu_19980408: Just when I’m depleting the GBs, more come in…

ayu_19980408: Argh~!! Today’s dance rehearsal video is too awesome, I can’t take it~!!!!!!!!! That person is such a genius.

rice20000: I cry no matter how many time I watch it. SEVEN DAYS WAR.
ayu_19980408: With CG, all the members look like they’re shining, with unbelievably true beautiful tears.

ayu_19980408: Whoaaa. Let’s go to sleep– O♡Ya♡Su♡Mi♡

ZIN19791126: This is the first year I have to use a nasal spray. My nose is now cleared, no more mucus, thanks to the almighty spray. Though the cause of all this isn’t even hay fever.
ayu_19980408: Nah, it’s something similar to hay fever.
ZIN19791126: Benifuuki Tea totally healed me. This is not the time to karan-karan on Aojiru! (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Hey! (laugh)
kana_xxx2002ayu: What is karan-karan? (laugh)
ZIN19791126: I was talking about work just now on the phone, and was wondering how I should describe a particular sound. Sorry that Aojiru got mixed up in this! (laugh) Health = No.1 (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Don’t leak any secrets ( ̄▽ ̄)
ma_ro_ka: Does having a blocked nose mean it’s hay fever?
ayu_19980408: YOU should have noticed ( ̄▽ ̄)

ayu_19980408: Whenever I take photos with Nopi-san, these things happen. Even though he’s just another dog…

ayu_19980408: I’m not taking photos of myself, going to bed.

ayu_19980408: TA is updated now ☆

maiisurfriend: @principalcmjk  Shall I wear this next week?
ayu_19980408: I want to see you wear that, my big sis!!!!!!!!
principalcmjk: Hmm… Why don’t you wear that in Hollywood?
ayu_19980408: Oh, I see. So… JK-san? I’m waiting for you ♡
principalcmjk: Whoa! I just left Twitter for awhile, so ayu-chan’s the first thing I see when I come back. Alright alright, I’ll wear it.
ayu_19980408: Waiting anxiously ( ̄▽ ̄)

sikepro: What should I eat today?
ayu_19980408: Yakiniku right?

honey_XxOo: can you see? Everyone is wearing STEP YOU and having a Ladies Night! It’s like a school trip (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Woooow Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ So cute ♡

ayu_19980408: You’ll get over it…!!

ayu_19980408: Look on the BRIGHT side…!!! Let’s live through today too ☆

mame_1002: “My big sis” is someone who appeared on Love songs blog \(^o^)/
ayu_19980408: Yes (^_−)−☆

ayu_19980408: Am I the only one whose TL looks different on Echofon?
tsuchan1002111: What does it look like–?? φ(・_・
ayu_19980408: There’s no more margins? Everything’s sort of… squeezed together.

ayu_19980408: Oh well.

tomomiMAC: ayu, people are ranking you in the Top 3 of catastrophic personalities (;゜0゜)
ayu_19980408: People will always be jealous of other’s happiness, and take comfort from other’s misfortune. Will will this ever stop?

ktm290: ayu-chan, we should get more tanned, right?
ayu_19980408: Of course, come on ☆

ayu_19980408: My real mummy just sent me a message asking “who was the YOU you mentioned?” Mummy, please check out my mail. But your reply was so interesting.

ayu_19980408: Little bro just exploded, wonder if he’s alright.
UN1982: Wow! It’s so wow! (lol)
ayu_19980408: That’s the funniest thing you said this year. (laugh)
UN1982: It’s the time when my nose ran the most–!!
ayu_19980408: I can’t stop laughing–!!!!!!! Flu?

ayu_19980408: I’m going to meet you in my dreams. Good night. C u in ur dream…☆
