
A comment~ I received a while ago asked about permed hair,

so today…
I’ll be updating with regards to that (^_-)-☆

My hair has never been completely straight,
there are some parts with a sli~ght curl to them (´~`;)


I always use this straight iron ラブラブ

It’s an ion-based steam iron (*’-’*)

there was once in the past when I did a hair straightening treatment,
and that was really the most easy way to get straight hair…

But, well…

I spent the week with my hair tied and pinned…
When I was not supposed to do anything that would crease the hair (;´ω`)

In the end, there was no meaning in me getting that treatment done…

It was a shame…

But my school…

Is really strict when it comes to rules (>_<) あせる


Aside from those with short hair,
all the girls had to keep their hair tied up (´~`;)

That’s why… Even after getting the treatment,
once I got to school… The habit of tying up my hair just got to me (-.-;)

There was no meaning in me getting that treatment done…

My school’s spring and summer vacations…

Or any vacation which lasts for more than one week…

Which is needed for effective treatment…

Doesn’t exist !!


…I think (; ̄  ̄A

And so… I’ve been surviving with curly hair all this time (laugh)

So yes, I’ve never gotten my hair permed before
I wonder how that’ll turn out? (’’) ??


Oh well! For now…

I’ll have to rely on this iron f^_^;

I go to get my hair cut once every ②~③ months, but…

I’m not brave enough to get a different style…

So hardly anyone ever notices (laugh)

By the way, Mama sometimes helps to cut my bangs scissors*


She’s surprisingly good at it…

So she’s a great help (*゜∀゜*)

And then…
my hair is also sli~ghtly brown in colour (+ +;)

So the teachers in school…

Often think I’ve dyed my hair and get angry (-.-;)

So let me say this…

In short… I do not have dyed hair!! (+`0´+)

That was a long entry,
and I’ve talked non-stop…about hair o(^-^)o

To all the guys who have no interest in this…

It must have been tedious for you f^_^;

Sorry (*_ _*)
