AYU’s Message

Konnichihuahua. Crea has been in a bad mood lately.
Erm, firstly, the Ayu-chin & Bancho team has received the “Nail Queen Award”. Yaay yaaay!
Thank you. So happy
And then, one more!! CHIKA-san’s salon is finally OPEN~!! It’s called the ‘artifata’
Please call it the ‘atifa’.
Alright, this month’s issue is now the “atifa commemoration issue”!!


 photo dejideji6_zpsa2b756fe.jpg

Photo Comments

Photo number Captions


Black: Yes!! We got the Nail Queen Award!
Red: Leave it to me


Bottom black: Yes. Good job, princess. (Let me rest~) (Save me~)
Top black: Caution!! Mafia.
Blue: Too much, too much


Black: CHIKA-san’s salon… is finally!! OPEN “artifata”
Purple: Welcome~


Bottom blue: He’s taking up the bambi princess make-up challenge today!!
Top blue: Everyone, please support me
Middle blue: Dokidoki1
Left black: Huge success
Right black: This is bambi, the co-owner.


Bottom black: Yes. This is the rumoured… Ayu’s ROOM and Bancho’s workroom!
Red: Photo by -> Taroume
Red sign: Hime’s ROOM. Busy now
Top black: They even made a sign for me…
Middle black: 2nd floor at atifa…


Black: Bancho got her bangs trimmed in the confusion (Done in reverse! by Bancho) (Marketing I/C: Ayu-chin)
Red: The interior is beautiful, bright and large


Bottom black: Come here to meet these 2 great charismas!! (maybe)
Top black: You may meet Ayu-chin too



1: Excited/anxious
