ayu_19980408: Everyone in TA!! It seems like this elections started yesterday → #Aダンサー総選挙 Troupe leader baby is secretly looking forward to it ♪(´ε` )

ayu_19980408: You can vote for the performance team members on another trend → #Aパフォーマー総選挙 For the dancers, it’s for both guys and girls on this trend → #Aダンサー総選挙

arink0206: When is the deadline? When will the votes be counted??
ayu_19980408: Seems like the deadline is tonight at 00:00 (by chief organizer) Look forward to hearing the results on the tour’s final date~ ♪( ´θ`)ノ

tats_1love: Hey! ayu-san, “A Dancer Elections” is on the Trending list ♪( ´θ`)ノ So hot!
ayu_19980408: ((((;゚Д゚)))))))

shino_19980408: Troupe leader baby will be the one counting the votes, right? (`_´)ゞ
ayu_19980408: Yes, I’ll be doing the tally myself ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

ryocoTAn_725: Is each person only allowed to vote once? I’ve got lots of feelings and gratitude to each dancer, so I can’t pick now ♡
ayu_19980408: It’s OK to vote for all your favorite members ♡ However, you can only submit one vote for each dancer ♡

ayu_19980408: Ermm~. I’ve been auditioning for dancers myself for countless times all these years, and these members have been chosen because they have pulled through and won tough battles. As a professional, they are my business comrades. As a producer who wishes to grab hold of the real situation at hand, I’m doing this. That’s all. #Aダンサー総選挙

ayu1002maron324: There is a good reason behind having these elections, right?!
ayu_19980408: Of course (*^^*) We need to continue opening up new holes without fear~♪

TA0413: Eh! The dancers were chosen through auditions held by ayu-chan??
ayu_19980408: I auditioned and picked everyone, from the performance team to band members to chorus members (*^^*)

TA_kapiccho: Eh, are you doing the tally for the votes!? (T_T)
ayu_19980408: I will, don’t worry~ (*^^*) This is the job for the head of Ayu Team ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3 Doing my best at vote counting now!! (laugh)

Natsukikey: Whenever I feel down, there is someone whom I can tell my inner thoughts to when she asks “What’s the matter?”… 😊✨ That’s why I can be Nacchan the Sun 😊✨
ayu_19980408: Love u u r my sunshine😊

sa_k6o5o6: How was 2PM’s concert? We did a surprise campaign yesterday with yellow penlights (*^^*)
ayu_19980408: I was shocked when the entire audience area lit up with yellow lights!! So it was a present from all the fans~ Such a wonderful relationship ♡

YUMIE_5017: That’s right! That song was composed by Juno-kun, so we lit up with Juno-kun’s yellow color in order to show our thanks ♪ I’m so glad that ayu-chan went to watch their concert on her own accord (*^^*)
ayu_19980408: So that’s why, that’s great!! My arm muscles hurt now.

21_aTNep: Our surprise for BIGBANG is to light up blue penlights when the song BLUE plays ♥
ayu_19980408: Ehh~!! Will I get to see that during a-nation? (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

aran_20011125: But the penlights for a-nation are blue to begin with?
ayu_19980408: Oh (´Д` ) That’s true ♡

MOON_ayu: ayu-chan, what did you talk to 2PM about~? (´▽`)
ayu_19980408: I asked the guy who broke his arm if he was alright! (◎_◎;) because it looked painful, but he replied that even so, he bore with the pain and continued the show. That’s proof of his love for the fans and his professionalism ☆

ayuki_1978102: Will watching the lives of more artistes give you some inspiration?
ayu_19980408: Masa told me to go watch the lives of lots of other artistes, so I will learn from them. Yes.

mayaaakan: Will you be coming for AAA’s live? \(^o^)/
ayu_19980408: Of course ♪(´ε` ) Excited about attending ♪(´ε` )

ayu_19980408: And so, let’s start tweeting like crazy.

teamayu_04: ayu-chan, is there a reason behind these elections? Everyone has their strengths. Isn’t it good that everyone can shine with their own uniqueness? Having the vote rankings announced on the final day is like labeling them as people.
ayu_19980408: Did I say that I would announce the ranking results of the elections on the final date? I guess that’s the image everyone has of the word ‘elections’. (laugh) I’ll be using the election results to come up with more entertainment ideas ♪(´ε` ) #Aダンサー総選挙
teamayu_04: But you tweeted about “results on the final date”? What did that mean?
ayu_19980408: It’s hoping for you to look forward to it~, and that nobody but myself will know the final results until the final date. ♪(´ε` )

mikixTA: When will you announce information about extra shows for the tour?? ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
ayu_19980408: Yankashii~ They are asking ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ→→→

KHime_LOVbest: I’ve been feeling doubt and uneasiness recently because of negative criticisms… Please say something perfectly positive to me ❤
ayu_19980408: I solve the problem by sing Que Sera Sera~♪( ´θ`)ノ ♪ It’s true ♡

mikajohn: Smile when it’s painful! Do you know?
ayu_19980408: RT

mikajohn: Use humor when feeling frustrated!
ayu_19980408: RT

26star26: Is ayu using LINE?? \(^-^)/
ayu_19980408: Is LINE an app? I don’t use such high-level stuff \(^o^)/

masashiku_oshan: ayu-san, have you ever thought about a moment in your past, and it makes you go “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”, and wonder “if, for example, maybe”?
ayu_19980408: That happens to me every second of every minute. Throughout my entire life.

toshiaki080808: Has ayu-san ever felt doubt about something which you believe in, because others have been criticizing it?
ayu_19980408: Life is already too short for me to protect the things which I want to protect, so I have no time to care about such criticisms.
