Original message from here.


Yokohama Arena Branch Day 2 Open ☆
13 May 2012. 16:17

Yesterday, we witnessed an awesome level of excitement and overflowing passion at the Yokohama Arena branch,
and on this sunny day, with the smell of summer in the blue sky,
Day 2 at Yokohama Arena branch is open!!!

Today too, the various booths are doing well since opening time ☆

At the DEICA demostration booth next to the goods booths,
the fragrance of bath oil and Nacchan’s wonderful sunshine smile welcome all who will be staying over ☆(*^^*)

Since today is Mother’s Day,
maybe this will be a good gift to express your gratitude with (^_-)-☆

And so, together with the rest of the staff, I sincerely wait for everyone to come stay over, so we can have the best time, no holding back.

