GUTS_RUSH: Teeth??? That’s a s-s-s-sudden request! Where should I s-s-s-send it??
ayu_19980408: The company address—– But that won’t reach me, right? (laugh)

ayu_19980408: Today’s a busy day~!! I won’t forget your smile, and I’ll do happy things instead of being sad ☆

10514schnee: I think I will take 2 months to get back to Japan from the Maldives!! Seems like ayu will reach home before I do. (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Eh!!!!!!!!! (laugh)

sou_02: Simulation golf now with ZIN-san! (laugh)
ayu_19980408: He looks like his eyes are closed?

sou_02: Yep! They’re closed even now! [smile]
ayu_19980408: Yea, his cool smile!!!!!! LOL-ing now.

sou_02: Yuusaku belting out songs now!!
COCOTAKASHI: That looks too fun ( ̄▽ ̄)
ayu_19980408: That looks much too fun ( ̄▽ ̄)

jin___74: Not going to the gym today–??
ayu_19980408: I’ve already gone this morning ♪

mi_o124: What does ayu want to do most right now?!
ayu_19980408: I want to speak in Japanese ( ̄▽ ̄)

ayu_19980408: Hungry now.

ayu_19980408: I was trying. To. Put lipbalm on him, but he ate it. And Minazoi took a photo. Why?

Mannie69: @GUTS_RUSH Malibu 😉
ayu_19980408: I wonder what Jacky has to say about this.. (laugh)

ayu_ta_heart: ayu-chan, are Jacky-san’s normal tweets so interesting too? ( ̄▽ ̄)
ayu_19980408: Yes, they’re really interesting. (laugh) Everyone in the troupe knows about him.

do0415: Are you taking care of your throat? ゜+。(*′∇`)。+゜
ayu_19980408: Correct ☆

yukaringo_ayu: ayu-chan, thank you for just now (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) It made me really really happy ♡♡♡
ayu_19980408: Thank you for waiting (*^_^*)

19xxkei: ayu’s troupe is not an owarai group, right? (laugh) You guys are an entertainment group, right? ゜+。(*′∇`)。+゜ Just wanna make sure.
ayu_19980408: I hope so. (laugh)
(owarai = comedy)

kaoayu_chan0611: I want to see ayu-chan without make-up ☆
ayu_19980408: I’m not wearing any now.

arisa8: ayu~ Are you still drinking aojiru this year~??
ayu_19980408: I drink it every day ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♪

ayuchan_luv: Everyone is waiting for Jacky-san to tweet. (laugh)
ayu_19980408: (laugh)!!!!!!!!!!

eizisawakita: Everyone’s already waiting, now we just need Jacky-san to come. (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Well, please wait with anticipation. (laugh)
