
Posted on 2015-03-07 22:50:36

Yesterday, we attended meet-and-greet sessions in the Tohoku regionnnn!
It’s been awhile! ^ ^
Ishinomaki, Natori, Fukushima! We visited 3 venues in total!

And well, well—
Everyone’s treatment of me was just too mean— (lol)
How crude— (lol)


I get it, all of you! ❤ ️ (lol)

We were all like a big family, so I really had lots of fun!
And I got to eat beef tongue too!
It was super delicioussssssss! ^ ^

I talked about Soma when we were in Fukushima.
When I was still in elementary school, I lived in Soma for about a month. Oh, it was during summer vacation!
I didn’t go with my family, but with the family of one of mum’s friends, and we stayed at the place of that family’s friends. So everyone basically didn’t know anyone else, and I was initially at a loss because I was quite shy,

But I slowly got to know them well, and we spent the days playing games, riding on boats, fishing, visiting the harbor, watching fireworks and splitting the melon, and visiting the local sweet store everyday. Everything was just so much fun, I can still vividly recall all of it now!

How nostalgic—!

So that was what I talked about… (lol)
I’m so glad to meet up with my friends when they came to watch the movie!
I’ll be back at the end of the month in Onnagawa Town!

Oh, another personal update. One of the directors I’m close to, who went to another location, is back!
We’ve gone back to the location since yesterday (lol)
I received souvenirs ^ ^ And I helped to take lots of pictures, which I told him to use—!