ayu_19980408: For some reason, I had a dream that Ushiko and I were dashing down a road with all our strength. Halfway through, it was too hot and I was just going to collapse when Ushiko bought me a cold beer. What is this dream? Someone, please explain it!! (laugh)

katosenseidesu: Check-up is done! All OK! Congrats to me! (^^)
ayu_19980408: Sensei! I’m so glad—!!! That’s wonderful ♡

UN1982: Great weather again today!!! Today’s the Kanagawa stop of the tour!!! Come at us with your strongest power~!!!
ayu_19980408: ꒡͡ ો ̼̮ ꒡͡ Alright. Once I’m done with recording, I’ll change into NAOYA’s green and hurry on over.

ayu_19980408: I did a great recording ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ NAOYA’s green ayu (←can’t really tell, laugh) Off to Kanagawa!!!!!!!

ayu_19980408: Everyone, gather at Nao’s backstage room when you’re there~ ♪( ´θ`)ノ RT @UN1982 @timwellard @yoneaki1019 @yu_kanazawa @JUNO_Japan

ayu_19980408: I’m caught in a suuuuuuuper big traffic jam, so can I just take off my heels and run? =͟͟͞͞ ऀืົཽ≀ ͔ ͕̮ ऀืົཽ✧॰

ayu_19980408: Made it in time for AAA’s live ♪(´ε` ) Nisshi was so interesting ♪ I LOL-ed ♪

ayu_19980408: That was my first time watching little bro’s LIVE in person. My keen thought is that I truly love and treasure little bro’s voice, dancing, and smile~ And at the end, I was overcome with emotion alone… Thank you for the very best night. From big sis, who got so excited she flung her penlight somewhere.

ayu_19980408: Someone’s still basking in happiness on her way home.