lesliekeesuper: Today will be the remarkable day for the shooting of album cover 「FIVE」and the last portion of a lovely PV. ♬for the world !
ayu_19980408: RT

iamLGiam: looking forward to the cover of FIVE! I hope it’s gonna be the greatest cover ever!!!!!
lesliekeesuper: Definitely the coolest !!
ayu_19980408: Yup☆

nootak: Filming with AYU is completed NOW!!SOMETHING NEW IS BORN!! \(^o^)/ We ended a little late, but it was so fun that we didn’t feel tired at all!! It was really a wonderful day ♥ AYU&LESLIE!!
ayu_19980408: Had an amazing day with u guys;))
nootak: AYU plz take good rest LOVE XOXO d:)
ayu_19980408: U too☆Xoxo

ayumikiko: @kazumahamamoto Kyanzuman, is your eyesight bad? (´・_・`)
kazumahamamoto: It’s slowly getting worse recently Σ(・□・;)
ayu_19980408: God Kyanzu, who is nothing but godly.

SIN333NEXTLEVEL: ayu-chan, you’re still filming… Can’t be, right??
ayu_19980408: We’ve just been dismissed ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

lesliekeesuper: FIVE is the New Revolution!We made it again! Thank you for this special chance.
ayu_19980408: U r my real soul mate☆

ayu_19980408: My brain is really happy now after having a super creative day ♡ I feel total RESPECT & LOVE for all the staff from the different specialities. I think we’re really blessed to have created something in these circumstances.

daichi1127: We’ve surpassed the barrier of crushing emotions.
ayu_19980408: (*^^*) We won’t have come so far without the help of Daiichi, Murada-chan, and all the people helping Daiichi out. Thank you so so much!!!

lesliekeesuper: It’s our Destiny☆ to know each other! ♥Take good rest & see you on Monday for more new challenges☆
ayu_19980408: Xoxo♡

ayu_19980408: And so, moving on to a-nation work (`_´)ゞ