TA0413: @masatomatsuura CEO Matsuura~ Where is ayu-chan now? (laugh)
masatomatsuura: In my head!
ayu_19980408: (*^^*)

kero_ayu: S-Cup site’s CM gallery will be open tomorrow \(^o^)/→ssp.co.jp/scup/cm.html
ayu_19980408: RT

ayu_19980408: The happy comrades and I have all fully recharged~~~ ♪ OK, it’s now time to discharge♪ all that energy via work ♪(´ε` )

miki_belmonte: (…)
ayu_19980408: Me n Stanley were looking for them at airport when we found ur tweet but we couldn’t find them;( Felt so sorry.

ayu_19980408: In my memory’s photo album, everyone was so happy, so I’m happy now too (*^^*) BGM now, Papi-san’s snoring ♡

keisui_: Lots of people around are queueing up behind me, wanting to purchase a box of S-Cup \(^o^)/
ayu_19980408: Really? Thank you so much m(_ _)m

mikajohn: There may be another large earthquake soon, so let’s make our preparations.
ayu_19980408: RT

TA_mikan: What did you do today?
ayu_19980408: Lots of work to be done from now on!!

ayu_19980408: By the way, the TA goods are done, and they’re super cute ☆ I hope they hurry, I want to surprise everyone with them! Look forward to it (*^^*)