ayu_19980408: After I came home to Tokyo, I was suddenly assaulted with hay fever… If I can just ignore it. No! I can’t!! What should I doooooooo——!!!!!!!!

ayu_19980408: Haaaaa! My follower statistics are crazy Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

ayu_19980408: With this sky, little bro’s voice, and an excellent ballad, I feel so sad that I can do nothing but cry. I’m proud of u,my lil bro!!! Love u…♡

sayuchichan: New song? (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
ayu_19980408: It’s a secret @(・●・)@

ayu_19980408: My homework, 15GB of videos… My battle with the electronic waves continue… I wonder if I borrow the extra eye Enrique-san has on his back… It’s a secret @(・●・)@

kayo_19980408: ayu-chaaaaaan ♡♡♡ A 3D II’s release date has been updated (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Details here —>【PC】http://www.livespire.jp/ 【MOBILE】http://www.livespire.jp/m/
ayu_19980408: Thanks ♡

hanabistaff: From 11am today~ Our White Day fair 『Thank you & Whiteday hanaBi 2011』 will start ♪ Details here ☆ http://www.hanabi-a.jp/new/index.html
ayu_19980408: To everyone at hanaBi, please send out lots of love ♡

ayu_19980408: Hoshino-san, the new song is done!! Please listen to it soon (//∇//)♡

ayu_19980408: Why is it that, when the things I need to do are piling up in a mountain, my mind is still stuck on useless things?

ayu_19980408: And just when I think I should just go to bed, the toilet-cleaning starts.

ayu_19980408: The pain of waking up, I should have just gone back to sleep. Regretting 1002%.
